Viridian Colombia provides full integrated leachate recirculation systems, for improved leachate quality and regulation of flow during high rainfall periods. Recirculation can also improve gas quality and yield.
- Reduced leachate disposal and treatment costs.
- Significantly enhanced organic waste decomposition rates creating more landfill capacity.
- Improved leachate quality for treatment: The waste mass acts as a biological reactor thus reducing BOD and COD during the acetogenic phase. Once BOD has reduced, the leachate is then easier to treat and treatment costs are reduced.
- Buffering of peaks and troughs in COD ensuring consistent leachate quality for treatment: biological treatment plants need a reasonably consistent supply of leachate in order to function reliably; they cannot cope with “shock-loading” of strong leachate.
- There is a reduced need to store large volumes of leachate in high rainfall periods by utilising the absorptive capacity of the waste.
- Enhanced gas production in terms of both quality and volume for CDM projects.
- Accelerated settlement creating increased landfill capacity.
- Recirculation is designed to be fully integrated to leachate extraction systems.
- The recirculation pipe is inexpensive and should be regarded as sacrificial.
- Viridian leachate recirculation technology will pay for itself!
- Viridian leachate recirculation does not cause localised saturation of waste.
- The ACTIVE extraction system delivers leachate into a holding tank allowing some solids settling.
- Leachate is pumped from the holding tank under pressure to the recirculation system via (a) an auto-backwash filter arrangement to remove solids and organic material down to 100µm and (b) a Pipe-JetTM electromagnetic calcium carbonate scale prevention device.
- Filtered leachate is delivered to selected recirculation areas on either a timed or metered-volume control basis - this is optional and is at the discretion of the landfill operator.
- As part of the maintenance programme, the recirculation pipe system can be back-flushed to reduce silting of the emitters.
- Each pressure-compensated emitter allows dispersion of between 1 and 3.8 litres/hour.
- The dispersal pipe system is very flexible and will accommodate a high degree of waste settlement.